Wednesday, October 15, 2008

She didn't get the memo

So we've had a few talks, but it hasn't worked. It's time for another action plan: the memorandum.


TO: Member of the Carter Household (you know who you are...starts with a G, ends with a race...)
FROM: The Management (the Mama and the Papa)

We would like to express a small concern about certain behaviors as of late. First, it is not nice to grunt, snort, cry, talk, shriek or make any other loud noises while one is sleeping that wakes other members of the household. It is fine to make the aforementioned noises while awake, but not while the Management is sleeping. Second, when in the big bed, please refrain from spitting up all over your parents, the bed and especially the pillows as this creates an uncomfortable sleeping arrangement for all. There is always a burp cloth placed beneath your head for the unfortunate incident that you need to empty your stomach contents. Please be sure to only spit up what the burp cloth can sop up. We do appreciate you sleeping through the night, now if you can work on these two items the Management will be much obliged.

Thank you for your cooperation,
The Management (the Mama and the Papa)

Isn't it a shame that Grace can't read?

Gracie in the big bed.
We have a new ritual of her morning meal in bed, then she naps for a few hours and I can too if I need :)

She's so good at getting out of her swaddle! Note that she has moved her head off of the strategically placed burp cloth...


Rob Carter said...

I like that she is on my side of the bed...was that strategic placement also :)

Kira said...

Colleen and I crack up while reading this. Could you please send that memo to my little one too!

Amanda said...

Rob: Maybe... :) Well she had already spit all of her guts onto my side so we had to go where it was dry :)

Taralee said...

ha ha, we totally used the cover our bed in burp cloths, lincoln was great at finding the only uncovered spot to spit up onto

Cristin said...

I have finally reduced Charlie's time in our bed from 90% down to 20% and surprisingly our sheets have far less spit up stains on them. It was getting REAL gross.

tara said...

I tried a letter like that once to my parents. I think I found it in the trash can 5 minutes later.

Kira said...

yes we are having family dinner this sunday. We are thinking around 5 depending on when you get out of church. What time are you released for the day?

Laura Campbell said...

Rob! It has been forever, I can't believe you have a baby, congrats, she is adorable, how have you been? I like your blog!

Brittanie said...

What a little cutie you have! I LOVE her name!

Brittanie said...

What a little cutie you have! I LOVE her name!

Brittanie said...

What a little cutie you have! I LOVE her name!

Brittanie said...

What a little cutie you have! I LOVE her name!