Thursday, November 4, 2010

I think we have a name...

Are you ready for it?


You like? No? I can't imagine why not.

Well it suits her well. This week she decided to flip so now she's breech. Nice, eh? One day during my nap while I was resting I felt her push off my pelvis and flop around like nothing I've ever felt before and she did it a couple of times. So, Stinker is quite the fitting name, right?

Now I need your help...ideas on how to turn the baby. I'm up for pretty much anything. Already I have a chiropractor appointment and some Eastern accupuncture herb stuff that you burn and put on your pinky toe. ( I told you I was up for anything but a c-section.) If she doesn't turn by the end of next week we'll most likely try the external version when the docs try to turn her from the outside, but apparently that's really painful and often doesn't end up in the peaceful, natural birth that we're looking for, so it's a last resort. So, any of you out there who have experience, I'm taking advice :)


Annie said...

Oh Amanda, I'm soooo sorry. You are in our prayers. Please keep us informed. Do you have my phone number call me if you need to talk. Love you!

Cristin said...

Ugh, sorry that happened. I'll pray she turns on her own for you. I hope it all turns out okay.

Charisse Baldwin said...

I can't believe she turned this far along! I have a friend who had to get her baby turned just over a month ago, and it went quite smoothly and pain free - in case you need a success story. I also heard downward dog is supposed to help? Good Luck!

Erin said...

"Stinker" works for me!
Get a blessing! It worked for a friend of mine.

Russ and Ashley said...

Hopefully she will turn again on her own before she wants to come out. I'll keep you in my prayers.

amber {and co.} said...

I don't have any good advice for you, but I will put in my plug for c-sections (in case it comes to that point Ü) I actually loved having mine, because you go in, get prepped, and an hour or two later you have your baby! And I was up and walking around within a day or two, I don't thinks it's as traumatic as a lot of people make it out to be. Plus you get to stay in the hospital longer so you can take advantage of the nursery while you sleep ;) I hope for your sake that it doesn't come to that, hope Stinker starts cooperating for you!

trine k said...

ah man, maybe try some inverted yoga poses?? :) I wish I had great advice too, just hope she'll flip on her own too, you have to keep us posted!