Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

So back in early September, JoAnn's happened to be having a pattern sale and I had the brilliant idea to make Grace the princess dress that she wanted to be for Halloween. I had almost two months, easy peasy, right? Nevermind that I had never sewn with a pattern before or was pregnant and tired or had about a million other sewing projects to complete before the baby came. Oh, and did I mention that the princess dress pattern that I really wanted wasn't on sale, so I was just going to alter the pattern that was to have the cuter skirt of the other dress.

Well, this has been a learning experience and if it weren't for my good friend Chelsea, this would not have happened. A few nights in a row I had everything laid out on my sewing desk and I just sat and stared it all down for a while. That did no good, so I made Chelsea come over and teach me how to work the pattern and pretty much how to construct the whole darn thing. But, now I can (probably) use a pattern again. Maybe.

So, without further ado, here is the princess dress that took me forever to complete, but would probably do again. I guess I'm a sucker for a good project!

Working on her beauty queen wave.

Daddy was helping her to pose behind the scenes. It's almost as fun to imagine what he looked like doing the same thing.
The dress ended up being a satin dress with a removable tulle overskirt. That simplified things and it will allow for more ways to play with it.

Our ward at church did a Halloween Carnival. Here we all are. I could only handle getting Grace's dress done in time (in the nick of time!), so Rob and I opted to dress up as the most amazing parents ever. (Haha! Kidding!)

Showing Dad the loot.

Trick or treating around the church building.

Grace dancing with a DumDum in her hand. What you can't see is the DumDum in the other hand and the 5 (no kidding!) other ones she ate throughout the night. I think this might be her favorite candy, right up there with anything chocolate.

For a minute Rob thought this was a good idea:
But after the millionth time of it, I think he changed his mind, but a princess gets what a princess wants, right? At least for one night of the year!

We had a great time and hope everyone else has a Happy Halloween too!


Taralee said...

Wow! Good job on the princess dress! I sewed lincoln an astronaut costume this year and my machine strted acting up halfway through. I almost called it quits. I hate sewing on a deadline(even a two month dealine...i also started his costume in august and finished it about 10 minutes after our ward halloween party started!)

and you Amanda make one cute pregnant girl! I like your cardigan.

Erin said...

Awesome! I soooooo wish we lived near each other again. Where are you planning on heading once Rob is done with school?
Also, how are you liking your new ward?

Amanda said...

Thanks everyone :)

Erin, I wish we lived nearby too! We'll end up going wherever Rob can get a job :) We're really hoping for the West, but we'll see. It's exciting that you guys will be a little closer to family with your big move!

Our ward is great. Everyone is so nice. We feel really loved.

Shelley said...

And what a pretty princess she is!! You look so cute, too!!

Russ and Ashley said...

It looks great!!

Annette said...

She looks so cute! You did a great job on it!

jennifermiller326 said...

Well I think that dress turned out pretty darn adorable! I am very impressed with your seamstress skills, as always! You three are so cute...I can't wait to see pics of #4!

Annie said...

The dress looks great and you look beautiful!

trine k said...

awesome job! She is soooo adorable, and you two ARE great parents, you look so great!