Monday, November 22, 2010

Still Waiting...

Just in case you might feel like we had the baby weeks ago and you're the only one to not know, have no fear. Today is 41 weeks, 1 day gestation...8 days past the "due date". Still waiting and working on our patience :) If she doesn't come on her own before then, she'll probably be induced Sunday at 42 weeks, but nothing is scheduled yet. Thanks for all the well wishes, we're hoping that we have some good news and cute pictures of her to post soon!


Russ and Ashley said...

You could try caster oil, I have heard it works well, but bad side effects i.e diarrhea. So that is a hard one, I refused to try it because really who wants diarrhea when they are in labor? But it may be better than wait a whole another 6 days! AHH. I sure hope that all this waiting will pay off and you don't have to be induced!

Mellie said...

I was in your exact same situation and decided to try the caster oil to try and avoid being induced. Let me tell you, DO NOT try it!!!! Worst decision I ever made. Unless of course you want to begin labor completely dehydrated and sick. Plus, the intestinal cramping it caused was as bad as actual labor. NOT FUN!

Amanda said...

Thanks Melissa...I was feeling a no on the castor oil, and you just sealed it for me :) My midwife also said that it could affect the baby and make her bowels go which would up the chances for meconium aspiration which would be bad. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that in labor...blech!