Tuesday, December 2, 2008


On Saturday, we went to Solvang, a cute little town in central California that looks like it was beamed straight from Denmark. The day started out inauspiciously with Gracie blowing out of her diaper into the Baby Bjorn...she must not have liked what she was wearing because she got a new outfit out of it. Solvang was incredibly busy, but we had lots of fun!
We ate a tasty lunch at this little sandwich shop.

Then we went to Ingeborg's Chocolate Shop. Yum-O! I'm holding Haribo Peaches - we found these as our favorite treat when we were in Spain. There, they're called melocotones.

These are flodeboller - aka chocolate boobs. A favorite treat, mostly because of the nickname.

Grandpa was incredibly entertaining with his quacking while Rob, Mom and I shopped.

Gracie loves hanging with her Grandma!


Your Momma Somma said...

Years ago Anna Bunker was in California and we took her to Solvang. Her sister raved about the town on many occasions. The first place we went was the large bakery (I can't remember the name) and G'ma Anna got to speak her native tongue with one of the ladies behind the counter. (Anna is from Denmark) She was very disappointed with the rest of the village, no one else spoke Dutch and all she could see was a huge tourist trap. I always have a great time when we go there. Last summer, Lauren, Dan and I went to a play in their outside theater. Looks like you had a weekend. You know that Dad (aka Grandpa) quacked at my kids too!

J Bunker said...

Dutch? I think she (G'ma Anna) speaks Danish.