Friday, December 12, 2008

The Puffy Vest

A long, long time ago in a land called Provo there once was a little freshman girl from California called Amanda. This girl loved the sunshine and had never really wore many sweaters (except when she wanted to look fashionable, but was way too hot in them). Her first winter in Provo she was very, very cold. Good thing this lucky girl had two fantastic parents who rushed to her aid and came to Utah and bought her some proper winter coats and a cute cream puffy vest. After that, the girl lived happily warmer (most of the time) ever after.

Flash forward to today. It's freezing and I feel like I have nothing to wear. I've decided I hate bulky sweaters and turtlenecks (as hard as I try, I can't stand the throat restriction!). I'm also in this limbo of being a mom, but still being young, but giving up my "younger" clothes, so some days it's really hard to get dressed. So today, feeling adventurous, I pulled out my puffy vest and put it over a maroon long sleeve tee with dark jeans and cute flats and dressed it all up with fatty pearl earrings and a bracelet. In the mirror I think it looks alright, but I have this fear that if Stacey and Clinton showed up and put me in the 360 degree mirror and I explained why I think its cute and appropriate for someone my age that they would laugh and cut me off and ridicule me and all the people watching at home would think "what the HECK does she think she's wearing?!?!?!" But, despite my fears I am leaving the house like this anyway to brave the cold world. I'm hoping that at least I won't see the sneers of the people at Target today who think I'm nuts. Chances are no one will notice or care, but I will be thinking about it and that's all that really matters, right? :) Thoughts on puffy vests?


trine k said...

where's the picture? I need to see a picture!

Annie said...

Yes we need a picture! I'm sure its way cute, you always have great taste.

Cristin said...

So... is this your round about way of asking that we submit your name to "What not to wear?"

Just kidding, kind of.

Amanda said...

While I would love to have $5,000 to spend on a shopping spree in New York, I hope that I'm not that fashionably impaired! :) I think I'd be one of those silly ones who cries for some reason or another. I'm a cryer. It stinks!