Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

Rob's family has a tradition of making gingerbread houses every December. This year we decided to make a pirate ship that turned into the Santa's Jolly Roger. We were really proud to have accomplished the ship with no hot glue, because that is cheating.
Santa was El Capitan and apparently has a thing for himself, since he is also the masthead.

And really, what would any ocean scene be without a surfer being followed by a shark?

Grace is becoming more interested in things daily. She reaches for anything she can find. Here she is "playing" the Wiggles guitar, and eating it too.


Annie said...

Is it really cheating?

Amanda said...

Yes, yes it is. :)

Melanie said...

I am so impressed! A gingerbread ship with no hot glue is quite an accomplishment. Very creative!