Friday, January 10, 2014

V&A Museum

New Year's Day we took a little breather, then Rob and Brent worked on Thursday and Friday, but Saturday we were back on the go again this time to the Victoria and Albert Museum (the V&A). We stopped at a creperie for lunch on the way and had some delicious savory crepes.

We got to the museum just in time for a little play for the kids about an adventure to find pearls in the ocean. It was so fun. They had the kids helping and sang songs - it was awesome. Too bad they didn't allow pictures. It was also fab because the backdrop for this little play was a gallery of huge paintings of ships on the sea by Raphael. I had to keep pinching myself that I am living here!

The next gallery we saw was an exhibit of fashion through the years. Grace and Ruby loved it, as you can see by all the pictures they made me take:

There was an interactive learning area upstairs where you could try on a hoop skirt. We all had fun with that!

This is a mustache spoon so you could protect your 'stache as you sip your soup

 There was an exhibit on the Crystal Palace and a place where you could build your own.

Hiding under the hoop skirt

Sweet kids love each other :)

Another fun, successful Saturday!

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