Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oh the things people say!

I don't know if it's British people, or just that I'm out and about interacting with so many more people than I do in the States, but the people here are in-your-bidness! Old ladies are constantly telling Aubrey to put a hat on Lucy (who will not keep one on). They're constantly coming up and clucking at Aubrey for it. Not so much me, but Benji's hood is usually up.

Yesterday I was walking the kids home from town - the girls were scooting and Ben was in the buggy. We were walking a respectful distance behind the slowest old lady ever. Grace asked if we could walk home by the river along the path we normally take. I said sure, when the lady turns around and the following conversation ensues:
OL: "Are you crazy?"
Me: "Pardon?"
OL: "Are you crazy? I don't mean to be rude, but are you crazy?"
Me (still not sure what the heck she could be talking to me  about: "Ummmmm..."
OL: "It's so dangerous down there. You must be crazy to take them down there."
And she turns and walks (hobbles) away. We walked down by the river, which by the way is a very safe path, but I guess a kid could scoot herself into the rushing river, but there's lots of undergrowth to go through. Go figure, I like to live on the edge. It keeps my kids away from falling in front of a speeding car.

Bus drivers are another bit of hilarious London life. They sometimes yell at people walking or driving or on bikes and when you've got a yeller, they don't hold anything back :) Here there are no jay-walking laws, so as long as it's safe, you can cross the street anywhere you want. One fine day Aubrey was walking with her kids and crossed the street with another lady with a buggy. A bus turned right after she got across and the driver leaned out the window and yelled at her "Madam, you are an idiot!!" Just imagine it in a British accent. Hilarious!

And now I am all caught up, but don't worry we're in Wales at this very moment, so I'll be back with new adventures next week! Happy birthday to me!

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