Wednesday, January 1, 2014

December Miscellany

 We moved into our new flat the day after Rob's birthday and immediately put up the Christmas tree. We went for a live one this year since either way we'd have to throw the tree away after Christmas.

 The tree base from the store was almost as much money as the tree, so Rob got his thinking cap on and found a large pot and filled it with rocks and dirt. It worked perfectly and was free. He's such a smarty!

 One of the brilliant things about living here is that you can order your groceries online and have them delivered to your house the next day. It's been a bit of a struggle, what with not knowing their systems of measurements very well and the language barrier (much more difficult than I'd expected!). It's always kind of fun to get the groceries out of the bags and see what I got vs. what I thought I got or wanted. Here I thought I ordered strawberry jelly (like peanut butter and jelly) but got this tiny pot of strawberry gelatin instead.
 We visited the Christmas Village at Southbank on the river Thames one afternoon and found this awesome playground in the shadow of the London Eye.

 For Christmas the kids picked out a build-a-bear as their gift from the Bunker grandparents. Here they are making them. It was their first one and they had a ton of fun with it!

The park by our house has a merry go round that the babies love to ride on with the big kids.

These pictures were taken back when we lived in Kew. This is about what getting ready and heading out for an adventure looks like:

A mustachioed train

One night the sister missionaries came over for dinner, but Ruby and Ben were too exhausted to make it, so they went to bed early and Grace had a great time being the center of attention.

Rob's parents sent a 12 Days of Christmas to us this year. The girls had a blast getting to open a present a day!

1 comment:

Russ and Ashley said...

I love reading your adventures!