Thursday, March 24, 2011


As of today I am a published newspaper articler (one who writes newspaper articles, for those of you who don't speak Amanda). Well, I am one if it still counts even if you don't have a by-line :) I had forgotten that I had submitted an annoyance to my favorite section of our local newspaper, so I was happily surprised when I opened it up and saw my Ticked Off rant.

It's there, just to the right of the center fold.

Do you not love the outlaw with the symbols as the Ticked Off mascot?

My little "article"
I had forgotten how ticked off I was about this since we hadn't been to the mall in a while, but a recent trip re-kindled my ticked-off-ed-ness and I had to submit it.


Russ and Ashley said...

How cool!

Annette said...

That's awesome. I remember those spots!

Cristin said...

Ha ha! This made me laugh really hard. Good for you!