Sunday, March 13, 2011


In my yoga class on Friday night the teacher had us do headstand. I was really nervous, but it ended up being the most exciting day of my post-partum body. I could actually do it! Against the wall, yes, but still I could do it and hold it. I was so excited that I came home and showed Rob and of course Gracers had to do it too.
Grace is a pretty good little yogi!

We like to walk in a local park/nature preserve on Saturday mornings. Yesterday, Grace didn't want to ride in the stroller so she ran about half of the 2.5 mile loop. Here she is resting on a bench partway through the walk. I think we're going to try going on some hikes with her soon.

1 comment:

Annette said...

This picture of Gracie on the bench cracks me up! She's so sweet! I love the headstands too.