Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saying Prayers

(It was difficult to get her to look at the camera tonight, but I got a smile!)

Grace is so sweet and loves to pray all by herself. Tonight's prayer went something like this:

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you scriptures. Thank you Target. Thank you grapes. Please go church soon. Please Braxton soon (her favorite little playmate friend). {Some high pitched mumbling we couldn't understand.} Name of Jesus, AMEN!

She always says Amen! with such gusto bordering on irreverence. It's almost hard not to laugh.

I love her prayers because they are always unique. I love the little insight into what she is thinking about and enjoying. We are so grateful for her sweet spirit in our home and that she is learning and loving the gospel of Jesus Christ.


lis bunker said...

How precious! Y'all are teaching her well. Can't wait to see you soon.

Chadlee said...

She's grateful for Target - so cute!

Annette said...

Hey! I'm grateful for Target too! What a sweetie. You are great parents. :)