Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Challenge

Happy New Years everyone! Sorry I haven't been feeling too hot recently and life hasn't been very exciting except for the neverending snow. When we moved into this apartment we thought about the hills but then thought that it wouldn't be so bad. Wrong. The other day we could hardly get up the hill, but we made it home without hiking. I'm thinking that we're not going to be going anywhere for the rest of the winter, so don't expect to see us.

Anyway, I digress. The challenge. My niece Erin is amazing and last year she ran a 5K. You may not think that sounds too hard, but as she puts it, Graffs don't run and while I'm not a Graff, I am a Bunker, through which half of those Graff genes come from. So by deductive reasoning and experience, Bunkers don't run. Erin has challenged the family to do a family 5K in may and Rob and I have decided that this would be a great opportunity to grow closer to family as well as get in shape so we're in training (really as soon as we can find a jogging stroller). If the snow would stop. We've made a great plan to run on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays but what days has it snowed so far? Saturday and Monday. When is it going to snow this week? Wednesday and Saturday. Someday the sun will come out again. I hope. Anyway, good luck to us. Feel free to keep us honest by asking about it in the coming months, I think we'll need that motivation. :)


Ivan said...

We wish you luck finding paths without snow and ice on which to travel. Mom & I are giving the challenge some consideration also. We are now walking about 1.5 miles at least 5 times a week. We will increase this and hope there will be VERY FEW hills with which to contend on the real 5K.

Andrea Tao said...

Yay for running! Not. I Did a tri and a couple of 5k's last summer. It's a great feeling of accomplishment when your done, but training is less that exciting. And running in the snow is not fun. My tri was in May last year so I know how you feel. Good luck!! And have fun!

Annie said...

Good for you guys. That is one of my goals as well, but anytime I've started training for a 5k I always come down with some kind of injury. I also feel like I haven't seen you forever. Life has been crazy. Lets do lunch next week. Gracie is getting so big. She is darling. Plus, I still have your Christmas present...seriously I'm the worse friend ever!