Thursday, January 8, 2009

Want a little ROCK with that ROLL?

Grace rolled last week for the first time and it's taken me this long to get it on film. She apparently is slightly camera shy, but I'm sure it won't last for long. This has been a long time in coming, but we're proud that she finally figured out that her head has most of her body weight so it needs to go the direction that she wants to go. You go girl! So, finally, here's a little clip of her rolling.

We also learned last week that Grace loves music. Her current favorite band is Five For Fighting. It calms her right down. I have a hunch that she likes all types of music and that Five For Fighting just happens to be what is playing recently, but who knows? Anyway, when she's crying I just turn on the music really loud and she calms right down. I love it. She's our little Rock 'n Roll baby. :)

Don't feel obligated, but I know that there are some out there who would like this video of her making cute sounds. So enjoy, but don't if you don't want to. Isn;t it amazing that she can blow raspberries with her fingers in her mouth?

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Woohoo! Nice, Gracie! What a big girl. I love the smile on her face at the end. We enjoyed her impressive noises as well. I'll be honest - we can't get enough photos or videos. :) We miss you all tons!