Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Grace!!!

It's hard to believe that two years ago today we met our sweet little girl who has changed our lives so much for the better.

Birth Day

First Birthday

These days Grace loves to sing. We sing Itsy Bitsy Spider and Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree more times than we can count every day, so today instead of the other songs we usually sang, we sang Happy Birthday all day. I loved hearing Grace sing it to herself every once in a while throughout the day. I think she was just really excited to have another song in her repertoire.

I love Grace's face, it looked like this for every present she opened.

She got some awesome presents...a cash register, shopping cart, purse, plates and dishes, farm, blocks, Wee Sing songs and more!

And of course some dress up clothes. When she opened the bag the skirt was in she exclaimed "princess!!!" Grandma's sure do know what little girls like!

She also got her first bike. She's actually pretty good at riding it too! She loves bicycles and points out every person riding one that we pass in the car. She's so excited to have her very own!

The cake

Blowing out the candles. She actually got them both out.

Eating cake.
It just about killed her to not be able to eat the cupcakes Mommy was frosting this afternoon, but she sure enjoyed the icing when the time finally came to eat!

Rob and I feel so blessed to have such a sweet little spirit in our home. She adds so much joy and laughter to our life. She is such a nurturer and loves to take care of anyone that will let her. She gives really good "huggies" and kisses and has a beautiful singing voice and memory for lyrics. It's amazing to watch her take in everything she sees and hears. It is so fun to see her grow and learn. We love you Gracers!!


Kira said...

Happy Birthday, Grace! Looks like you had a really good birthday! You are such a big big girl! Love you! -The Popes

Taralee said...

Dress up clothes! Oh i wish i had a girl so i could make her lots of cute things.