Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Someday I'll Laugh About It

So it's been a hectic few days. We still haven't found a place to live and health insurance is giving us a headache from my "pre-existing" condition that will be born in mid-November sometime. We're trying to keep the stress at bay, but let me tell you, it's getting really hard at this point since we'll be moving in one month. Plus I lost my phone on our daily walk in City Creek Canyon on Monday and walked 7 miles in the scorching sun back and forth trying to find it. I never did, but I think I got my exercise for the week in and I'm hobbling to prove it :) When it was obvious that the phone was just plain gone, we went out to Costco to get a new one and even though the guy who set it all up for us said it'd only take 15 minutes to activate it, an hour later we were finally ready to go. Ridiculous and we were only half an hour late for the dinner party we were having at our house. Sorry guys! Anyway, it all worked out, but needless to say Tuesday I was exhausted.

Now for the real fun. Tuesday, as I said was rough. I was tired and having one of those really emotional "we'll never find a place to live and we'll have to pay full price out of pocket for this delivery because all insurance companies hate us" days. I didn't get a nap when Grace was down so around 4 I laid down on the couch and apparently fell heavily asleep. When I rolled over when Grace woke me up I saw her holding an open Sharpie. Apparently she had pushed the cooler (which was inside just for the day) up to the high counter where we keep the pens and pencils and a rogue Sharpie and out of all those had chosen the Sharpie. So I jump up (slowly because I was so dizzy from sleep and blood rush) and start to survey the damage. Permanent black marker was everywhere. Walls, cabinets, cooler, toys, clothes, Lacey, coffee table, kitchen table, chairs, everywhere. So I called Rob to be sure he'd be home soon and as I started talking the flood came. I just couldn't help but sob through the phone call. So I started to clean the Sharpie up and couldn't stop crying which made Grace cry because she cries when anyone else does. So through my tears and scrubbing I'm trying to reassure Grace that it's okay and Mommy's just sad, but not to worry. Every 2 minutes I'd have to stop my scrubbing and give her a hug because she was so distraught, but I just couldn't stop the flood of tears that I'd held back all day. So Rob came home to two red-faced, sobbing girls sitting in a puddle of their own tears trying to scrub the refrigerator. Nice welcome home from a hard day, eh? :) In the end we got the Sharpie off of most everything and I think Grace may be scared into never doing that again (let's hope!). Sorry no pictures...I obviously wasn't in the documenting state of mind.


Andrea Tao said...

That sounds like a day in the Tao house! I have had SO many days like that. And it's okay to cry, you feel WAY better when you do. :)

Erin said...

Oh, Amanda! Sorry about your crazy, tough day/week!
If you do end up having to pay for your delivery out of pocket, here's some (I think) good news that I just heard (on a Dave Ramsey podcast)... apparently lots of hospitals will allow cash patients to pre-pay during the 3rd trimester for a SIGNIFICANT decrease (like only $2500 vs. $7-8K). I know $2500 is still a lot, but maybe not quite as overwhelming a number.
Good luck!

Cristin said...

I've heard the same thing as Erin - the cash price is cheaper. In fact, Erik's parents paid cash to have almost all of their babies.

That sharpie thing is sad AND funny. You must be a really deep sleeper.

Amanda said...

Wow, thanks guys! I appreciate the advice...sounds like it might not be so bad after all!

The best part is that I was sleeping on the couch right in the midst of her Sharpie art...I can't believe I was sleeping that soundly!

Melanie said...

Oh man, I would definitely be crying if I woke up to that. Sneaky girl! I'm glad you got it off everything.

I hope you are doing better, and I hope the insurance stuff gets worked out!

Natasha said...

My poor, dear Amanda! I'm sorry you had such a rough day! It will all work out some way, you are a good girl. :) Maybe you'll just have to come live with us in Texas...yeah, I think that will fix it.

Chadlee said...

Just catching up on your blog - congrats on expecting a firl! Grace is the most beautiful little thing! I can't get enough pictures of her beautiful little face and smile. Good luck with all the other stuff - I hope things work out.