Monday, April 13, 2009


It seems like in the last week things have clicked with Grace. She now crawls on her hands and knees instead of doing her belly-dragging army crawl. She also loves to pull herself up onto her knees and pull anything off of tables and bookshelves that she can reach. I always find her after her naps up on her knees waiting for me.

She also is now taking baths in the big bathtub and loves having lots of water to splash around in.

No pictures, but after a month of sitting on her little potty, she's finally figured out how to use it and uses it pretty regularly. We're so excited!

She also cut her two bottom teeth last week. Pictures are really hard to get!

Good job baby girl!


Mary said...

Whoa, you're potty training Grace? It didn't even occur to me to start anything like that for quite some time - please explain more! Do you just sit her on it periodically and see what happens? I'm confused, but intrigued...

And yay for the crawling and pulling herself up! Rachel is a roller and has little desire for crawling. :)

Andrea Tao said...

Is she really peeing on a big girl potty? Isn't she still a baby? Whats going on here?

Susan said...

WOW! Your grace is so cute and that dress she wore yesterday was darling.

Amanda said...

Yup, we've started sitting Grace on her little potty after each of her naps and she's getting the hang of it. She is still a baby - she'll be 9 months at the end of this week. My hope is that by the time she's a year old and she is really good at using the potty we'll start her in cotton training pants so she can start to feel the wet. We'll see how it goes!

Russ and Ashley said...

Wow I can't believe she will go on a little potty. I will have to try it when Alyssa is that old. Grace is adorable I can't believe my tiny baby will get so big so soon!