Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Babies Are Gross

I'm sure I'll have many occasions to re-use this title, so why not start now. I feel bad for not blogging in so long, but I don't have much to say. Or even many pictures really. Mostly recently I've re-realized that babies are gross. Mine in particular has an affinity for chewing and sucking on the metal handlebars while she's riding in shopping carts which is gross enough. Then the runny nose starts. No one I know has a runny nose. I don't even want to think what she's contracted and then given to me. Gross. I will never go out without the shopping cart cover ever again. Like we need the swine flu on top of the current not-enough-napsleep-crankiness? No thankyou.

In other news, Grace loves to stand and climb. This morning I found her climbing up her high chair balancing delicately on one of the rungs. Yikes. Here's Grace climbing on her toy basket. She got mad when she got high-centered and was having difficulty moving. She's getting into everything now and I'm sure it's only going to get worse.

She loves to chew on the high chair straps, so she'll stand, then squat to have the optimal chewing angle.

Here are some random pictures from the past few weeks:


Melanie said...

Holy cow! It is so weird to see her standing and to think of her crawling and climbing. She got so big so fast! What a doll. I wish we could see more of her (and all of you!)

Cristin said...

Potty training a 2 year old is even more gross. Luke likes to stick his hand in the toilet as it is flushing. Yeah. Gross.

Amanda said...

Pretty much I can wait for all the grossness that lies ahead in my mothering career. Ugh! Thanks for sharing such a delightful image Cristin :)

Chadlee said...

She looks so tall and grown up. Hooray for shopping cart covers!