Monday, April 8, 2013

Crayon free is the way to be

Another Ruby post. :)

This morning after we got home from the gym everyone was tired and hungry so I fed Benji and was rocking him to sleep when Ruby came in and told me that she had a crayon in her nose. WHAT?!? A crayon IN your nose?! Awesome. So sweaty me put Benji down, called the pediatrician, woke him back up and ran into the office. Ruby kept telling me that her nose hurt :( Poor baby! Our doc tried and tried to get that darn crayon out, then called in the other doctor and the two of them tried and tried to get the crayon out, but the darn thing was wedged up there and too slippery to get out. They even closed the non-crayola nostril and had me blow in her mouth CPR style to see if that could pop it out. No beans. So they sent us to an ENT.

 Here's my sweet girl smiling even with a crayon in her nose. While she hated having the doctors dig around in her nose, she recovered quickly and was her normal self. What a trooper!

So we headed over to the ENT's office and got there just after they'd locked up for lunch. Sadly, we weren't allowed to eat in case she had to be anesthetized. So we waited the whole lunch hour and finally met with the ENT. He had me hold Ruby on my lap and hold down her legs with my legs, her arms with one arm and her head with my other hand, and dang, that girl is strong! I couldn't keep her still for the life of me! The doc and nurse kept commenting on how strong she is. When there is something that she feels strongly about, that girl is going to get what she wants. I have never met anyone so determined! Finally after much wailing and fighting and gnashing of teeth, we got that darn little crayon out.

 The culprit.

Here she is happy as a clam with ketchup from her chicken nuggies all over her face and just a tiny bit of bloody nose left over from our adventure. I really hope that we never have to do that again! Crayon free is the way to be!


Erin said...

Why kids think putting items up their nose is a good idea always baffles me. Bryce and Thane have each done it a number of times. Thankfully we've always been able to get it out with a solid nose blow, but I know one of these days we won't be so lucky. Ugh! Glad she told you, at least. And glad the outcome was good.

Shakirra said...

That is so not funny as a fellow mother, but so funny as a bystander! I love this story, although I do hope it doesn't happen in my house ever, or at least anytime soon!
Your girls are too much! Too cute, too funny, too everything, and Benji looks just like they did as babies!
Miss you! Been thinking back on our CBD days lately! We should have been closer considering all the time we spent in the car EVERY Saturday morning through high school!
Your family is super adorable!