Saturday, October 6, 2012


 We had a ton of fun during the three weeks that we were able to spend with the Bunkers in California.

We started off with Brian and Eila's reception. It was held at the Lassen's beautiful home with lots of delicious food and amazing weather.
 My sister Becky and niece Tina made the yummy and beautiful cake.

 Rob did a little getting to know you with the bride and groom. Since Brian is a geography guy, we had a map that we made them char their relationship on. It was fun to hear their story again.

 Eila's grandfather, aunt and cousin were able to fly in from Sweden for the reception.

 Grace and Ruby had a great time dancing and playing with family too.


 Our brother John, his wife Sarah and baby Addy even joined in the fun via FaceTime.

 All the sisters and some of their kids.

 Cute parents after a long and awesome day!

A couple of times we were able to go to the Ventura Harbor.

 We got to ride on the carousel (it was hard to get Ruby off!) and play in the sand. It was freezing that day, so we didn't go into the water, but we did go back for more playing in the water on a nicer day.

 We also visited the Channel Islands National Park Visitors Center.

 We also got to go to the Santa Barbara Zoo on our trip.

 The girls were so excited that they got to ride on the train!

We had an awesome time enjoying family and beautiful California. Brian and Eila had internships fairly close to my parents home, so they came and hung out every weekend which was an extra treat!


Heather Dayton said...

Fun! Your girls are super adorable!

Unknown said...

It was nice seeing you again! Your girls are the best and it was fun decorating the cake with Grace's help. Hopefully we can see you all when the boy isn't too old. :)