Thursday, December 8, 2011

Baby MacGyver

Ruby is so funny these days, she's been having a tough time napping and is often just playing in her crib. We think she throws all her blankets and stuff out of the crib, then tries to escape with them. It's really funny to watch her on the monitor trying to climb out of her crib. Yikes...can't wait for the day she actually can....not.

There's a trash can in her room behind the rocking chair that is often knocked over and the trash is in her crib when we go to get her up. We could not figure out how this was even possible because we would move the trash can way out of arm's reach for every nap. One day Rob happened to be watching Ruby on the monitor and caught her doing it. Baby MacGyver would hold on to one end of her blanket and toss the other end at the trash can until it would catch, then she would pull the blanket so it would knock the trash can towards her crib and she could reach her little arms down and pick stuff up. I was blown away that she figured out how to do it, and only with what she had in the crib!

She is also a dare devil. She is walking a lot now, but isn't too sure on her feet. Often, if Grace runs out of a room, she'll run after her and more often than not end up on her face :( She gets really excited and lunges and things and people with no regard for bodily safety.

Yesterday, she was walking around near the coffee table and ate it on the edge of the table and was bleeding a lot from her nose and mouth, talk about scary! I'm so glad Rob was home, because I freaked out. After a call to the Ped, a little Tylenol, and some cuddling, she was walking around again and everything seemed okay with a minimum of blood on everyone. What a trooper!

Here's my "trying to be not freaked out and smile at the same time" look :)

1 comment:

Jennie Newbold said...

Oh no!!! Poor baby! That made my face hurt just reading about it, pretty sure I would have freaked out too Amanda! Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!