Friday, December 9, 2011

Fall Hiking

While it was warmer, the girls and I would go hiking with our friends the Meeks once a week or so. Katie has two boys whose birthdays are just weeks apart from my girls', so it's really fun for everyone. Luckily, Katie remembered to bring her camera on one of the more spectacular Fall days.

This day was so cute because Eli and Grace were playing Grandpa and Grandma. They'd call each other Grandpa and Grandma. Grace would say "hey Grandpa, can you help me over this log?" and Grandpa would come running to the rescue and help Grace. The whole time they called each other Grandpa and Grandma and Grandma would always be in need of some help and the ever-chivalrous Grandpa would run to poor Grandma's aid. It was so cute. They really get along well with each other!

How cute are Grandma and Grandpa posing together? They were cracking us up the whole time!

Obviously a kid took this one. See Katie's smile? She is one of my favorite friends because we always laugh on our hikes even when the kids are exhausted and we're what seems like miles from the car. I think it was this day that we took a reaaaaaaaly long route and the kids were tired halfway through. We ended up running most of the way to the car (even with kiddos on our backs!). The only way to get the kids moving was to pretend to get on our starting blocks and yell "on your mark, get set, go!" and we'd all run for 100 yards or so, then do it again. Even that was fun with Katie to laugh through it with!

1 comment:

Erin said...

The cutest grandma and grandpa ever (with no offense to any real grandmas and grandpas...)!