Saturday, June 11, 2011

Lamp Re-vamp

The lighting in our apartment here in Louisville is awful (in case you can't tell by the awful pictures). The bedrooms only have side table lamps to light them. While we were in California, Rob stopped at the Goodwill and found this nice little floor lamp. Finding a good looking shade without breaking the bank was a whole other problem. While browsing Pinterest, I saw some awesome shades and thought, hey, why can't I paint a shade to be what I want? So with a cheap Wal-Mart shade and a stencil and white paint pen, I came up with this:

I love a good cheap DIY!


Annette said...

I'm impressed! It looks great.

lis bunker said...

You are amazing! Where did you get those creativity genes and courage-to-try genes as well? The lamp looks fab.

Russ and Ashley said...

Very impressed, I would have never thought of that

Natasha said...

Very cute. You amaze once again.

Mellie said...

This is darling!