Thursday, April 7, 2011

Dear Grace,

I know you're only 2, but if you keep changing your clothes a million times a day, I am going to start making you do the laundry. I'm pretty sure that your little clothes account for at least half of the laundry I do. And let's be honest, it already takes me 2 days to wash and fold (3 if you count putting it away...I'm awesome like that), so I don't need any more to do.

Lots of love, your Mama


lis bunker said...

Hate to tell you this, but she's a chip off the old block. I remember feeling the same way when you were that age :)

Russ and Ashley said...

HaHa, Alyssa is the same. If she spills anything a drop of water on her clothes, she has to take them off.