Monday, July 20, 2009

It's About Time...

Not dead, just enjoying the summer and shrugging off as many responsibilities as I can without getting in too much trouble :) Here are lots of random photos from the past few weeks (sorry, I haven't been very good at photo-documenting our lives recently):

This one screams "Born To Shop!!!!" Doesn't it?

One of Grace's favorite things to do is go through my wallet and take everything out. It's really fun...not.

We went to the annual Gweaston Family Campout at the Spruces. Grace had so much fun getting pulled around in Grandma's little wagon.

Rob's sister Melanie and her husband Jeff and baby Henry were able to come up and spend some time in Utah with us. How cute are Henry and Gracie holding hands here?

Henry doesn't like to sit down, so he got to stand during the wagon ride.

Another random wildlife photo... Rob has such good eyes and spotted this teensy tiny little humming bird in her nest.

Grace playing the piano at Grandma Gwilliam's. She loved that this one made sound...we have a keyboard that I can (thankfully!) turn the sound off. She loves music and anything that has to do with making music.


Annie said...

I'm glad you updated...Hope Grace had a great birthday party!

Heather Dayton said...

Oh she is so cute! Taylor does the same thing with David's and my wallets :) Kids these days...haha! Anyways - it looks like you are having a wonderful time with her - she is so precious!