Monday, June 1, 2009

The Best Laid Plans

*I wrote this post a while back, so sorry if it's not news to anyone.

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" - Robert Burns

I use this quote most often in my life, as it so often applies. Take getting married for example. I said I'd never get married without knowing The One for less than a year; Rob and I were married 4 months after we met. I said I didn't want to marry a boy from Utah; Rob is the classic Utah boy, which I can't imagine having any other way. I only wanted to get married in the LA Temple; we got married in Salt Lake. And the list goes on. Fast forward a bit. We were sure that we wanted to go to MBA school right after Rob finished his undergrad so we applied. Then one of the schools Rob got in to asked him to re-take the GMAT so they could get him financial aid. He did much better the second time and his work wanted him to stick around so we decided to stay one more year and apply again the next year. So we've gone through the arduous process again this year. He's spent weeks worth of time applying to 8 schools this year. We have talked and prayed endlessly about where to go and we've finally decided on Vanderbilt, we even sent in our $1,500 deposit (which is ridiculous if you ask me that it's that much!). Well, once again our best laid plans recently went awry when Rob's boss has asked him to stay another 1-2 years with a tempting offer. So with much thought and prayer we've decided that it will be best for us to stay here for 2 more years and save, save, save for grad school. And I feel really good about it. I guess this is another testimony to God leading our lives and having plans for us that we may not see and I am grateful for his Spirit to guide us to make the decisions that lead us on His path for us. So don't be surprised if I tell you our plans one day and change them the next - it seems to be the way for us!


Andrea Tao said...

I think either way, if you stay or go would be a good choice so good for you for making a good choice! And life will probably be that way for you for the rest of your life! It's been that way for us, with 2 unplanned kids, you just learn to accept life as it comes and be grateful. When are you doing the photo shoot with Christine?

Taralee said...

whoa! you lost the deposit if you don't go right?

Well that's cool though you'll be in utah longer! (and for the same time that it'll take jamie to graduate with his bachelors!)

trine k said...

I HEAR you, same sort of story for us (minus the exciting promotions) :) Good thing for prayers, huh? Good luck with your decisions, I'm sure you will be led down the right paths!

Cristin said...

It is hard making these types of decisions. I always think of that Robert Frost poem, "The Road Less Travelled." Good luck. Heck, a promotion sounds wonderful.

Kara Lyn said...

Well, now we have two years worth of time when we can go geocaching together. Think of all the good times we would have missed out on. We need to hang out with you guys soon.

Natasha said...

It's all working according to the you remember my prediction for Rob's future? :)

Russ and Ashley said...

Wow I know what you mean! We need to get together sometime soon! I work full time so any sat would be good for me, let me know when you can

Anonymous said...

Wow! We were wondering what your plans were! Crazy how life works out huh! Keep us posted!