Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Real Life

The Carters left and we had to jump right into real life. It felt like we had been on holiday for so long that it was weird to think about starting school and all our other responsibilities, but exciting at the same time!

 Sunday night Rob gave the girls back to school blessings.

And Monday morning we were off!
 First day pictures. Grace looks so grown up!

 We walked her to school on the first day. She was a little nervous, but really excited to start. At the end of the day she declared that she LOVED it! And that her teacher was so nice.

That first day wasn't so great for the rest of us stuck at home without our Gracers. All day long Ruby followed me around talking non-stop and asking repeatedly if it was time to pick up Grace? Yet? Now is it time to go get Grace? Why can't we just go get her now?! Poor girl really missed her sister. I had told her that she was my big girl helper now that Grace was in school and she looked at me and told me that she is NOT the big girl! Grace is the big girl!

In the past few weeks we've all adjusted to missing Grace and these two hooligans have become best buddies and partners in crime. 

Ruby started Joy School soon after and loves it! I had to take a picture of her and loved all the shots I are the many faces of Ruby:

Just a girl getting her stuff done :)

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