Thursday, March 6, 2014

February {Everything Else}

 For an early Valentine's Day Rob and I went to see Agatha Christie's play Black Coffee. It was really fun to see a mystery play! Thanks to the Pett's for watching the kids - it's so nice to have someone to trade babysitting with!

 We had a lovely Valentine's Day. The girls found these love sweaters on sale at the Gap and used the money they were sent for Valentine's Day to get them Aren't they cute?! We had a nice low-key day and went out for ice cream at McDonald's for a high-class desert.

 My niece Tina made these cute dresses for the girls (and all of the little girl cousins!) and sent them a little Valentine's box. It was awesome and the girls looooooved it. They're their favorite dresses these days!

 I found this note in a notebook. I have no idea when it was written or why, but it says "I love you ae vin (even) if yor (you're) diffrint (different) love Gracie." She really is the sweetest girl I know. And now that I'm typing this, it might be referring to Amelia, one of Grace's friends from Primary who is in a wheelchair, maybe?

 Benji has started to be interested in feeding himself (boo!)

Ben is very much an explorer and a figure-er-outer. He found this little secret cupboard in our fireplace mantle! Tricky boy!

 Benji loves to spin!

This is an awesome plaything at the park. It's like the teacups at Disney - you turn the wheel in the middle to make yourself go as fast as you want. They really do have cool parks here!

The masses of people pouring into the Waterloo and City underground station. There is just one stop, the City. All these people are going to work in the banking district where Rob works!

Ben has gotten so big over the past few months as he's turning into a toddler. He doesn't have very many words (and refuses still to say Mama). The other day Rob was working from home in our bedroom/office and the kids and I were playing in the living room. Ben heard the door to our bedroom open and he screamed and ran and said a word that meant DAD!!!! He loves Rob so much and was so excited that Daddy came out to say Hi for a minute! He usually runs squealing to him when he hears Rob come home - it's so cute!

 Grace lost her second tooth over a bowl of Cheerios. She was really happy that she didn't swallow it. Especially since she heard the story of Rob's cousin Matt Bond's "poop tooth" story. (Basically, on his mission he swallowed a tooth, but since dental care is terrible wherever he was in South America, he had to keep that tooth and put it back in (it was an implant) until returning home to get the proper/permanent work done. As you can imagine from the title of the story, he took massive amounts of laxatives and used a strainer until it was found and cleaned with every type of bleach cleaner he could find and put back in it's place. - But you should have Matt tell you the story in person if you get a chance. It's much better that way) :)

 The weather is getting nicer and Rob is (luckily) getting to work from home most days so we went for some empanadas from an Argentine shop and ate them on the green. We're excited for Spring!

Benji loves to carry my pots and pans all over the house - I never know where I'll find them. This one sat there for 2 days :)

 We use a company here that delivers a fruit and veg box to us every week, but we don't have much say about what we get. This time we got a squash that I made into gnocchi, but not before I had to peel the dang thing. It was one of my least favorite kitchen prep activities to date!

We go out almost every morning for an exercise walk for me and a scooter ride for Grace (the littles get to ride in the buggy since we walk fast). We usually stop at a park to play too, so it works out for everyone. Sometimes Grace has mishaps with her scooter though - this time she really did a good job of mudding herself up!

 Ben loves his binky (and I am cursing myself for not taking it away a few months back like I did with the girlies - it's going to be a fight now!) but he's not allowed to have it if he's not napping or otherwise sleeping. Here he's commandeered Ruby's baby doll's binky. He sucked on the handle of that thing all afternoon. He also loves to explore and sometimes gets in his buggy and hopes that we'll just go :)

Grace's drawing of Grandpa Dave for one of our school projects. I think she did an amazing job, even if she did give him a mustache that he hasn't had for 20 years ;)

 DeeDee and PupPup best of friends!

Grace and I went out to do something, so Ruby got to sit on our bed and play on the iPad while Dad worked in the room. She was a happy camper!

 Benji got a checkup from Drs. Grace and Ruby. I was absolutely amazed that he laid there for a while and let them work on him. Thankfully, the prognosis was that he was healthy!

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