Tuesday, September 17, 2013


 Last week we "rowed" (the program we're doing is Five in a Row) the book Night of the Moonjellies. It's a story about a boy who worked for a summer at his grandmother's seaside hot dog stand. He finds a moonjelly and after work, his grandmother takes him out on a boat to see the moonjellies out at sea.

We had our own restaurant at home one night. We made burgers and onion rings like they serve in the book. Grace learned about what it took to run a business and played waitress that night. She took orders and made sure all the plates were correct before taking them to the table.

We studied jellyfish and the ocean a bit too. Ruby's week was "J is for jellyfish." We ended up the week by going to the aquarium and seeing some sea life up close.

They had an awesome aquarium that had a tunnel in it you could walk through. There were sharks and rays and all sorts of fish. It was so neat!

 Rob thought it was pretty awesome.

 This is how Benji spent our aquarium trip.

Grace is also keeping a journal by writing a picture and a sentence every day. I'm excited to see her progress through the book!

1 comment:

Chelsea and Dustin Walkenhorst. said...

That sounds like a really neat program. I will have to pick your brain about it when Zara is a little older :)