Sunday, February 3, 2013


The other day it was abnormally quiet in the Ruby department (she's usually a vocal force around these parts). I found her quietly "folding" the laundry that had been sitting out since being washed the day before. She was turning all the clothes right-side out then stacking them nicely in a pile. It was so cute to see her working hard to help Mommy out. She was so focused I couldn't even get her to look at the camera.

 Turning it right side out....
Ruby loves the laundry. When I fold it, she tells me which piece belongs to which person ("That's Ruby's!" "Daddy's!!" "That's baby brother's!" and on, and on, and on). She is a cute little helper. Also, if I don't put the folded laundry away quickly enough and she finds her pile, she'll take it all out and "re-fold" it by laying it all out in a nice pile. It's so maddeningly cute!

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