Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ruby: Pains and Pooping

Ruby's done a doozy on her poor bottom lip a couple of times this week. 3 days ago she was climbing in our bathtub while I was in the shower and biffed it and bit the inside of her bottom lip pretty badly. Then last night when she was supposed to be sleeping she was climbing on her bed to the dresser and fell and this time got the top of her bottom lip pretty bad. Basically her mouth looks pretty gnarly these days. She has had so many times already in her short little life when she's been bleeding pretty badly from some spot on her head...I can't wait for the years to come. Not.

She has also been waking us up for the past few mornings with a nakey bottom having made her morning poop in her little potty with no help! Throughout the day she's not so interested in going on her potty, but it looks like potty training will be happening at our house soon. I just have to work myself up to it....


Erin said...

Circumcision yesterday, blood and poop today? You're on a roll! Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds. ;)

Annette said...

Good job little Ruby!