Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Thanks to Gunny Bag, I'm pretty sure that Ruby is going to be scarred for life by her sister cleaning up her toys before she can even play with them. Grace is a great cleaner, but we're definitely learning when toys can be left for a couple minutes while they're being played with :)

Ruby riding Louie the dog.

Ruby is so cuddly and snuggly. She loves to give kisses now, and not always with a closed mouth...it can be a messy affair ;) She is also getting really protective of  her mommy time. If she is sitting on my lap and Grace even comes near, she'll let out a nasty screech-warning to stay away.  In fact, she's not really saying any real words yet, but she is well versed in many grunts and screeches to let everyone know (from miles around) what it is that she wants whether it's for Grace to stay away from her food or for someone to help her get something down from the counter or whatever else. She's hilarious and stubborn and smart. We sure do love our Ruboo!

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