Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day

I love celebrating holidays and having something really fun to look forward to, especially during these cold, bleak months. We asked our friends and family to send Valentines to the girls. Grace made this box to keep the Valentines in until the big day. 

The day of, Grace had Joy School where the kids made Valentines for their parents. Grace's said that she loves her mommy and daddy because we help her to clean. Haha. Apparently we need to work on being more fun :) We also made Valentine cookies and took them to our neighbors.

Finally, we had Grace's favorite dinner, Italian Chicken, rice and lima beans and opened all the awesome Valentines that everyone sent.

 Ruby enjoyed the sucker that Grandma sent!

1 comment:

Shakirra said...

So cute! Your girls are adorable. I am really starting to get into decorating etc. for holidays and such so that I can make it extra special for our family! Good idea with the Valentine's mail box!