Monday, February 20, 2012

Nashville Zoo

  Last week we went to the Nashville Zoo with some of our favorite adventuring friends, the Meek's.

 We love hanging with the Meeks because our kids are each just weeks apart in age. Don't these two look like they could be twins? I'm pretty sure most everyone who saw them thought that they were!

 Grace and Eli are hilarious together. Often, they would look at the map together to see where we are and then try to direct where we should go. (Note: neither one can actually read, so it was a futile, though cute, attempt.)

One of the coolest things was seeing this joey peek its head out of it's mama's pocket!

We ended the day playing on the amazing play fort/Swiss family Robinson tree house ever. Then the kids promptly crashed on the way home. It was a great day for all :)

1 comment:

Heather Dayton said...

How fun! They do look like they could be twins. Love the map reading - cute little navigators. :)