Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Ruby is getting really, really busy. I had forgotten how annoying it is to have all the books and movies pulled off of shelves numerous times a day :)

She is also pulling herself up all the time, even to standing when there's something that she especially wants to get. She's still army crawling though. I hope she figures out a normal crawl before we get back to Nashville since we have wood floors there, laundry will be super fun if she'd just dragging herself around dusting the floors with her clothes.

This is how I found Ruby after her nap (which, incidentally is in our closet here, just thought I should document that). Silly girl wriggled her way out of one sleeve of jammies!

My cute girls. I can't take a picture of one without the other wanting to get in on the action too!

1 comment:

Annette said...

So cute! Good job Ruby!