Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Joy School

I am sitting here at 11 am typing this blog post in complete silence except for the clicking of computer keys. Can you tell I'm a little excited for some morning silence? Grace started Joy School this morning! (And Ruby is sleeping - in fact probably sleeping the best morning sleep ever because there's no 3 year old outside her door making lots of noise.) She was so excited to go to school like Daddy. There are 6 kids in our group and every week we rotate the teaching amongst the mothers. I am a little nervous to teach, but excited to learn how to be a better teacher. I think it's Grace's dream come true to have kids to play with for sure at least 2 days a week at school. She sure is a social girl! She even got to bring her Baby Tiana for show and tell today. I am so proud of my big girl!


Taralee said...

Awesome! I did joy school when i was little. I wish there were enough kids here to do it with. there is only 1 other boy lincoln's age and he goes to pre-school. :(

Annette said...

This is so cute! I love that she wants to be like daddy! You will be a wonderful teacher Amanda.:)