Thursday, March 18, 2010


Grace loves fish. It's such a treat for her to look at the fish at the pediatrician's office, so imagine her excitement when a few weeks ago we went with Kira and Kylee to the Aquarium. Grace doesn't say fish, she just purses her lips and makes a fish face when she sees them. We had a blast looking at all of the cool fish. The whole time Grace was pointing and smiling and making her fishy face. When the time came to pet the sting rays the girls wouldn't put their hands in the water, but they were fascinated by seeing the rays swim around. We had so much fun!

How funny that the girls were dressed alike that day!

We couldn't ever get both girls looking at the same time.

Playing on the rocks in the play area that had little tanks of fish in it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Heart My Family

I switched out our Bunker Family picture the other day and Grace latched on to the old one and would not let go of it, so I let her look at it. Ten (or more!) minutes later I came back to find her lying on the couch just staring at the photo. It was really sweet. Grace hearts her family even though they're far away. I also love her facial expressions in these pictures. She really was that happy to be looking at the picture!

She especially wanted me to give a shout out to her Uncle Brian, whose birthday it is today. So
Happy Birthday Uncle Brian!!!
And Happy St. Patrick's Day to the rest of you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Perfect Nap

The other day (and most days actually) Grace was putting her babies to bed in the following fashion:

1. Wrap babies up tightly.
2. Rock babies and sing to them.
3. When they're almost asleep throw them into the crib since you can't reach to set them in nicely.
4. Turn on the heater and the humidifier.
5. Throw in all your books and toys so that the babies will have something to do during their nap.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

Silly Stroller Girl

This is Grace's favorite place to hang out and snack recently.

She's getting better at an on demand smile - even if it is the nose-scrunch.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Post About Rob

Rob is so great, and he has had a couple of neat experiences lately that I need to document.

First, since he works at the church, he has the opportunity to see General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Last week he had the chance to escort his managing director and Elder and Sister Bednar to a talk they were giving at the Church Offices. As they chatted for a moment Rob's managing director complimented him and Elder Bednar said that he must be so great because of his hair (or lack of). It's nice to have an apostolic blessing on his bald head!

Second, the picture above is from Sunday, before our Stake Conference started in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. If you look closely in the picture you will see a black circle around a distinguished speaker. That's right, it's Rob. He got to sit in the plush red velvet chairs the apostles used to sit in! He did an amazing job and looked so comfortable speaking from that pulpit...maybe he has a future in it? (hehehe. I love yooooou, Rob!)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our First Cooking Adventure

The other day I decided that it was high time for the first cooking adventure with Grace. We made some delicious pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. Grace had a blast stirring, but she kept on dropping her spoon into the batter and wanting mine - we dirtied all of our spoons that afternoon. We made quite the mess but had a lot of fun!

The only problem now is that she knows how to reach stuff on the counter by strategically placing the chair...oops!

Licking fingers. Her favorite part was helping me eat the chocolate chips before they made it into the batter.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Conversation With Gracers

Here is a conversation that we have often with Grace.

Rob: Grace, what does a cat make?
Grace: Meow.
Rob: What does an elephant make?
Grace: Vrrrrrrrr (with her arm making a trunk)
Rob: What does a cow say?
Grace: Moo
Rob: What does a snake say?
Grace: Sshhh (it's a funny little hiss)
Rob: What does a lamb say?
Grace: Baaaa
Rob: What does Grace say?
Grace: Shoes!

Are we in trouble or what?!

This is what Grace does every day after she's tried on all of my heels.