Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our First Cooking Adventure

The other day I decided that it was high time for the first cooking adventure with Grace. We made some delicious pumpkin chocolate chip muffins. Grace had a blast stirring, but she kept on dropping her spoon into the batter and wanting mine - we dirtied all of our spoons that afternoon. We made quite the mess but had a lot of fun!

The only problem now is that she knows how to reach stuff on the counter by strategically placing the chair...oops!

Licking fingers. Her favorite part was helping me eat the chocolate chips before they made it into the batter.


Fab Five said...

What a cutie! Love those baby blues!

Ivan said...

Is sewing the task for next week?

Melanie said...

She looks so old I can't stand it! You are such a good mom to let her help you in the kitchen. I bet she loved it.

jennifermiller326 said...

My favorite post thus far! I can't believe how old she is getting...baking cookies, licking her fingers, so fun! She is going to be so talented just like her mom.

Matt and Savannah said...

Such a cute little girl! I can tell by the pictures she is going to be the next Betty Crocker for sure. How fun!

Cristin said...

Very cute! I hate the same problem with Charlie. He is constantly pushing chairs and toys so that he can reach things on the counter!