Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Conversation With Gracers

Here is a conversation that we have often with Grace.

Rob: Grace, what does a cat make?
Grace: Meow.
Rob: What does an elephant make?
Grace: Vrrrrrrrr (with her arm making a trunk)
Rob: What does a cow say?
Grace: Moo
Rob: What does a snake say?
Grace: Sshhh (it's a funny little hiss)
Rob: What does a lamb say?
Grace: Baaaa
Rob: What does Grace say?
Grace: Shoes!

Are we in trouble or what?!

This is what Grace does every day after she's tried on all of my heels.


Ivan said...

Do we worry about a college fund or a SHOE fund?

Heather Dayton said...

I LOVE it! How fun that she is such a little girly-girl.

Heather Dayton said...
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Taralee said...

oooh, those silver shoes are really cute! Where did you get them?

Shelley said...

lol, that is too cute!

Your Momma Somma said...

It's all about the shoes! She has style and taste- you go girl! I start figuring out what I am going to wear from the floor up, doesn't everyone?

Fab Five said...

I love that she is such a girly-girl!

Annie said...

I've laughed all day about this...so funny and so cute!

Melanie said...

That is so funny! You guys are in big trouble!

I can't believe she knows so much and says so much. She is basically a genius. :)