Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Last night we went to the Annual Gweaston Halloween Party at Grandma and Grandpa's. Grace was really confused at why everyone looked so funny (aka in costume).

Our sweet little ladybug.
Can you tell she wasn't sure about how someone looked behind me?

From the back.

Getting her dollar at the costume parade. She really wasn't sure what to do with it.
How cute are Grandpa and Grandma in their devil and angel costumes?

We knocked on doors throughout the house to get lots of yummy treats.

Mmmmmm.....Reeses! These will probably be payment to Dad for helping out since they're his favorites! (Actually, all of it will go to Mom and Dad for their hard work for costume prep and Halloween support)

I love this picture of my two favorites. As hard as Dad tried, his excitement never wore off on Grace.

The whole crew in costume.

Here's the tired baby after a night of partying, but adorable as usual!


The Popes said...

Amanda, Grace's costume looks awesome! Way to go. Loved the pics.

Natasha said...

She sure is a cutie. So did you make the costume then? Good work if so! I'd like to know where Mom and Dad's costumes are.

Amanda said...

Thanks guys! We did make her costume, which made it even more adorable to us :) Grace's mom and dad are lame - thanks for pointing that out Natasha :)

Melanie said...

She is the cutest little ladybug I've ever seen. Great job making the costume!

Madeline said...

The costume turned out AWESOME!

amber {and co.} said...

What a sweetie! She's adorable Amanda! And the costume looks awesome, way to go! ΓΌ