Wednesday, July 22, 2015


After school got out, we had a week then Rob was off to High Adventure for a week. It was long is about all I can say about it. I was so grateful when he got home to us! It ended up being a bit crazy for the leaders because Tropical Storm Bill came ashore with a vengeance and forced them to move camp and drive all around Texas for the first 4 days!

The blue dot is where they decided to camp one night, right in between all of the crazy storminess!

One of the worst things about High Adventure was that Rob had to drive the van and so we had to squash the kids into the back seat of the Accord. These kids may look cute and sweet but having them so close was an absolute nightmare. Every single car ride, no matter the length, was horrible with the kids touching each other and fighting. I am so grateful that we have a minivan!!

 Rob has been working really hard on the big HP split. He has logged so many hours in the evenings getting all his stuff done.

The eggs hatched and as soon as the babies were able to fly we cleaned up the nest and evicted the little family so we could use our fan again.

We re-painted our room. It was so hard to decide on the color! Our room might have looked like this for a while as we were deciding.

 There was a neat Lego exhibit that came to the mall. That White House is made entirely of Legos! There were many other historical national buildings there made of Legos as well. They also had a little area where the kids could build Lego cars and race them.

June was FULL of swimming lessons for the girls. They ended up taking from 2 different places, so we were running all over town all month getting everyone where they needed to be. Grace is above with the purple-tinted goggles. She did a fantastic job and really learned a lot in the month she took lessons!

 Friends and picnics are the best!

 More wildlife in our yard!
This little guy was my nemesis. Somehow he would sneak into my tomato cages and eat all my tomatoes and would sometimes get stuck.

Cute Activity Days girls made pillowcases in a crazy, whirlwind activity. 

We all went to the dentist. Here is Grace's's so interesting to see the adult teeth pushing up on the baby teeth!

 My favorite thing is that Rob surprised me with a bike! We've been wanting bikes for a long time, but after an impulse purchase of a bike trailer at the REI garage sale we pretty much just had to get them. We've had a fantastic time riding bikes together since then!

 Grace likes to play copy cat and do everything I's a delightful game as I'm sure you can imagine ;)

 We've also been doing lots of reading. Grace is a great reader to her siblings!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Looks like someone else is playing the "hurry up and get the blog updated before the baby comes-" game. I love it! It's great to hear updates on your cute family.