Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Coming soon to a blog post near you...

We have successfully moved into our flat, but we won't have internet until Friday. I'll try to post then, but it may not be until next week because weekends are precious and we run ourselves ragged trying to not miss anything :). 

Here's a sneak peek of our flat. It's amazingly British and we love it!

Now that we're "settled" it feels a little less like a vacation and a little bit of homesickness/culture shock has crept in and the reality of Rob being gone at work everyday with a 1-2 hour commute each way (depending on which office he goes to) has hit. I am so excited for all the adventures that lay ahead and every day I have to pinch myself that this is actually happening and it's way more fun than I thought it would be!

Until the return of the internet...cheers!

1 comment:

Chelsea and Dustin Walkenhorst. said...

Woah!! your place looks amazing, so much red! I can't wait to see more pictures. It snowed here as you probably figured out from everyone freaking out on FB :) Have you been to Harrods yet? They have an amazing Santa!