Sunday, November 24, 2013


(I've been trying to blog but blogger is taking super duuuuuper long to upload pictures so I haven't gotten very far. But just know that I'm working on blogging to keep y'all updated on our British adventure!)

We sure we're spoiled back in the States being able to leave 5 or 10 minutes before it started from the safety and warmth of our garage and driving our own vehicle for a few minutes to the door of the chapel and walking the 10 yards to the door. I will be sure to appreciate that when we get back!

The ward we are assigned to is the Staines Ward. There is only one ward that meets in our building and we live in the farthest reaches if the ward. Luckily last week we ran into a senior missionary couple serving a genealogy mission at the British National Archives which are a stones throw from our flat and who live in our housing complex. They were kind enough to let us tag along with them to church. We left at 8:30 for our 10:00 meeting. We took a bus into the next town then a train into Staines-upon-Thames where the ward meets then walked the block to the chapel. 

The ward is quite small but the people were wonderful and very lovely and welcoming to us. There are people of many nationalities and my ears had a hard time tuning in to understand the multitude of accents we heard today. Sadly, we found out that the Petts' permanent flat won't be in the same ward as us and even sadder for them is their bus ride to church us even longer than ours! 

I packed a lunch and we ate it at the station waiting for our train home. Elder and Sister Smart we're so sweet and played with the girls who were ca-ray-zay pants on the ride home. Public transportation is so hard with exhausted littles who have been pushed to their limits!

We arrived back at our flat at 2:50- almost 6 hours later! Needless to say, I'm not exactly looking forward to Sundays!

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