Thursday, August 16, 2012

Brian and Eila Get Married

 The first real stop on our trip West was in St. George for Brian and Eila's sealing in the temple there. It was a beautiful day and I can safely say that I have never seen my brother so happy. We adore Eila and and are so excited for her to join our family.

 Shannon, Adam and Rob having fun with the thorns off a nearby bush while we waited.

 Mr. & Mrs. Bunker

 I spy a very happy man behind some beautiful flowers.

 Grace had to stay by the most beautiful lady the whole time.
 Rob and Adam decorated their car for them. Because they were going straight to California for internships, the car was packed. The guys filled the back seat (what was left) up with balloons, so when Brian kept sending Eila's brother out with luggage to add to the car, Rob had to re-direct him to hide it. Brian was a little bugged that they couldn't just jet away on their honeymoon, and had to stop to re-pack the car first :)

 Somehow Grace wheedled her way into having the camera for most of the post-wedding picture taking. I'll blame that for not getting very good pictures. 

 The best part was the reception. The girls loved to dance, dance, dance, eat and dance!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Yay for Brian!! She is gorgeous!