Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cleaning Heppers

 Last weekend we sold Rob's white Honda. He posted it for more money than we thought we could get for it, and we thought that we would keep lowering the price every week until it sold, which would hopefully be before we moved in May. Well, the first day it was listed he got 3 calls on it, one of which bought it over the weekend. Hooray, but boo for having to work out sharing. It's not really a problem I can complain about though. :) Grace loves to get out and do things, and today Rob has the car at school so we were going to be cleaning and just getting stuff done around the house. Somehow this morning I promised Grace that she could clean the stickies off of the chairs and table (I don't remember how this conversation happened, but it was something she really was looking forward to!). So I got my little heppers each a towel and a spray bottle to go for it. After they cleaned the table and chairs, Grace asked if she could clean the mirrors, which she did, and now she is telling me that she is going to clean the windows. I'm sure I'll find a few streaks :) But I sure am grateful for sweet girls who want to help clean. This will definitely be an activity we do more of in the future! :)

1 comment:

Shakirra said...

So fun and cute! Dylan has just started helping me by emptying the dishwasher. It all started with me being frustrated that he was playing with the silverwear and closing the door on me every 5 seconds. So I had him put away his plates. It worked and it was awesome!!! I'm sure it helps that big sister is doing it and then Ruby wants to help too! Can't wait to hear more about how you're feeling!