Sunday, September 26, 2010

One thing that I love about our sweet girl is that she's so sweet and wants everyone to always be happy. She gives good hugs and kisses when you're sad and will always try to cheer you up. My favorite thing is when I'm getting ready and she comes up and spontaneously says "Pretty, Mommy! You look pretty!" She'll also help me choose something to wear if I ask her for an opinion, though she usually chooses a skirt or dress (probably because the closet clothes are easier to see than the ones in the drawers), but I appreciate that she tries to help and then compliments me afterward. I know I need to appreciate this now because in a few years, she'll be asking asking what I'm wearing because it will probably be embarrassing, so for now, I'm loving it!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You ARE a very pretty mommy! Grace is such a sweetheart.