Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Drowning.

Coming from dry-as-a bone Utah to you-can-see-the-air-it's-so-thick Tennessee has been quite the experience. Grace and I took a late flight that got delayed even more so when we arrived in Tennessee at 1:30 am, I was thinking we'd need to put on our little jackets, right? Middle of the night? Wrong!! It was still really warm and I could see and chew the air (almost!). So I was thinking that it would be about the same during the, wrong again! It gets substantially warmer in the sunshine (apparently) and no less wet. I mostly just hope I don't drown every time I go outside. (I've been promised you get used to it, but I'm not so sure...)

This morning it's rainy and the windows of our house are all fogged up! How crazy is that?! But I'm loving getting a little rain. Really, the only difference between rain or not is that it's cooler when it's raining. No less muggy :)

I'm just really glad that we've visited in the Fall and Spring and it's not muggy then, so there is some hope for being comfortable again!

Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little. It's not so bad, but it is a huge difference between this and what we're used to. Grace only cries "hot! Hot! Hot!" for a few minutes every time we get in the car! :)


Bonnie said...

Joe says you get used to the humidity, and all, and after being there for a few days it wasn't quite so noticeable to me. We went in the middle of August. But I still like the dry weather better :). Good luck with everything!

Taralee said...

I felt exactly the same when we moved here to Houston! It was like i didn't even need to drink water anymore because i felt like i was drinking air. I think it took me about a month to where I didn't really notice the humidity anymore and it just became normal. Never comfortable, but not unusual.

I'm actually so excited to move back to Utah so that I can go outside during the days again with out being a hot mess.