Thursday, April 15, 2010

She's Learned to Snuggle in Her Old Age

The other day Rob reminded me that when Grace was born her skin was really sensitive and it seemed to almost hurt her to be touched. So there was no stroking or really touching our brand new sweet newborn. We just had to hold her really tightly and not touch her skin a whole lot. When she was a baby she didn't love to snuggle either, she wanted to be in the action and we had to swaddle her to get any resemblance to snuggling. I am loving that now, her old 21-month-old self loves to snuggle with her mama. I reveled in the 15 minutes that I spent tonight just holding her and snuggling her and singing to her because that's all she wanted before bed. Even though she can climb out of her crib (as of tonight...grrr), bedtime is fast becoming my very favorite time of day.

Getting ready for bedtime tonight.


jennifermiller326 said...

How sweet! She is so big and so cute!

Shelley said...

Awww! baby snuggles are the best!!

Cristin said...

Luke HATED snuggling as a baby, but now he wakes me up by climbing into bed with me most mornings. He puts his arm around me and says, "Snuggle mommy, snuggle." So, it really is never too late.