Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Benji!

 Our sweet Benji turned ONE just before we left Frisco. I can hardly believe that it has been a year! He is a sweet and chill  little guy. He's happy to just be around the family and in the midst of whatever is going on. He adores his sisters, but is wary of their craziness. He loves to watch them run circles around him and will scream with delight right along with them. He also loves music. He "sings" along whenever anyone is singing and dances to any music he hears. He isn't walking yet, but that could be due to a little incident of his parents (ahem, Rob) getting a little over-excited when he took a tiny half-step and pushing him to try again, and again and again. Right after that experience whenever he heard the word "walk" he would collapse in a melty crying puddle on the ground. Sorry, Buddy, if we scarred you!

 He loves to point at everything these days.

With all the nuttiness of moving, we ate a gourmet dinner at McDonald's for his birthday dinner. He was pretty stoked that he got his very own water cup!

Grandma Nett and Grandpa Dave were here for the party, but somehow we didn't get a shot of them, but we're thankful that they were here to help us celebrate because they bring the party :)

 Get this thing off my head!

Grace and Ruby chose a husky dog for him to be his new lovie and named him Max.

 Ruby was an excellent present opener helper

I love the following 4 pictures and the story they tell of being the younger brother....

 Ben's such a good sport, he generally doesn't fuss too much about the sisters picking on him.

Playroom decorated for the party a la Grandma

Faker, faker, belly acher!

 Gosh, I love this kid! Happy birthday little buddy!

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